Walking your dogs outside is one relaxing activity, for sure! Our pawrents get to see them explore the world happily and actively.
However, the thing is that dogs can get tired, too! They have certain time limitations on how long they can walk outside. Hence, pawrents should know the appropriate amount of time to walk their loving dogs.
20 to 30-minute walk
Generally speaking, dogs can endure walking for around 20 to 30 minutes every day. This is especially true for our relatively healthy and active furry friends.
Meanwhile, dogs who are strong as well as have great physical health can tolerate walking or hiking for up to 2 hours. On the other hand, overweight or obese dogs can only walk for up to 10 minutes without any short breaks.
But, of course, you need to check on your dog to see whether they can really endure it, as the time duration mentioned does not apply to all.
To know the walk endurance of your dog, follow the steps below:
- Step 1: Take your dog for a walk. Try to start walking at a very slow pace for up to 10 minutes.
- Step 2: Monitor your dog’s energy level. If the energy is still the same, try walking at a normal pace for 20 to 30 minutes. Meanwhile, just remain at the same pace when their energy has become lower.
- Step 3: You need to check on the breathing and behavior of your dog and identify if they are tired or not. Know that they may start to pant more and sniff around more when they get tired.
When you see that your dog has changed their energy level drastically, you may need to start heading back home.
Pawrents, you also need to observe your dog going home. If your dog nearly runs out of energy walking back home, you need to shorten your walking time next time.
How often should you take your dog out?

There are certain factors to consider on how often you should walk your dog out. The primary ones are the following:
Age – your dog’s age is essential to consider when thinking of your walking schedule with them. Younger dogs with age five years old and below are normally highly active compared to middle-aged or senior dogs.
Breed – similarly, medium-sized dog breeds, such as collies and bulldogs, have greater endurance, as well as large dogs, like golden retrievers and German shepherds.
Meanwhile, smaller breeds have shorter legs; hence, they can only walk for a short time and distance, which include Maltese and Pomeranian.
Health condition – of course, if your dog is not healthy—despite being a medium-sized, young dog—their walk endurance is lessened. This also applies to overweight or obese dogs and dogs with medications and physical injuries.
Benefits of frequent dog walks
Your furry pet can receive all the health benefits for free!
Oftentimes, pawrents need to pay for costly check-ups or procedures when their dogs are unwell. By walking your dog regularly, you are ensuring that they are in a good and healthy condition—meaning, less money is spent!
You increase your dog’s physical endurance and promote mental stimulation.
By regularly walking, you slowly build their physical endurance, which is also good for their mental wellness. You know sniffing flowers and running toward an insect won’t hurt, right?
You can manage your dog’s weight.
You can also manage your dog’s weight by helping them burn off excess calories and keeping them trimmed.
Happy walking!
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One comment
Mizenia Marvive
June 21, 2023 at 7:43 pm
Good job👏❤❤